Side × Side Architects

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A new identity for mission-driven architects who believe buildings should give back more than they take.
Side × Side Architects
Seattle, Washington
Principal: Kristine Matthews
Creative Director: Nicole Fischetti
Designer: Peyton Todd
Project Manager: Meg Graham
Natalie O'Rourke, Studio Matthews

Side x Side, formerly SKL Architects, is a community-focused practice advocating for more sustainable and equitable buildings and neighborhoods. The identity design features warm colors and friendly typography, expressing the firm’s constructive partnerships with clients and community.

Throughout, the “x” emphasizes the exponentially positive effect of strong collaboration. It forms the heart of a red icon that is made from the combination of two tightly-knit S’s. This symbol also evokes a cherry blossom, which is fitting for Side x Side’s new home in Seattle’s International District.

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